The Eurobarometer conducted an investigation into the economic situation and the effects of the energy crisis in light of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
The Maltese participants in the survey provided satisfactory responses on both topics. A significant majority stated that the government’s efforts to mitigate the negative impacts of the war on energy availability have been highly effective.
Additionally, the majority expressed support for humanitarian aid to Ukraine, with less support for providing arms and equipment to Ukraine.
According to Eurobarometer, 44% of Maltese are content with the country’s economic state, with 10% stating it is in an excellent condition. Malta ranks second highest in EU for satisfaction with economic situation, behind Luxembourg and ahead of the least satisfied, Slovakia. In terms of the EU as a whole, 58% of Maltese expressed satisfaction with the economic situation, with 7% saying it is in an outstanding state.
Most Europeans held a positive view of the EU’s actions to counter the energy crisis. When questioned about the impact of energy prices, 49% of Maltese replied that it leaves them with a limited amount of disposable income, with 35% blaming the Ukraine situation for this.
When asked about their level of satisfaction with the government’s impact on the economic situation, 59% held the opinion that their efforts have been positive. Furthermore, 67% believed that the EU should decrease its reliance on Russian oil and gas as soon as possible and increase investment in renewable energy. Half of the respondents said that consumers should make an effort to reduce energy usage during peak times.
Eurobarometer revealed that over a third of Maltese follow the developments of the Ukraine war at least three times a week, and 70% approved of Malta’s provision of humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
The survey was conducted among 500 individuals aged between 23 and 30 in November